About Me
My personal experience with therapy started at a young age. Throughout stages of my life, I tried to make sense of that first therapeutic encounter.
I learned that not knowing is okay and, in fact, it is a powerful tool that makes us curious and open to new experiences and learning. Psychotherapy helped me move towards positive changes aligned with my values and life goals. It has helped me become more integrated, connected to my needs and confident in my inner wisdom.
Being familiar with emotional pain and the benefits of counselling work, I decided to dive into a psychology degree right after high school. I became a registered psychologist in Brazil, and years later obtained my master’s degree in counselling psychology in Canada. For over ten years, I have been doing this work with passion, the same way I do most things that I choose to do in my life.
Besides helping individuals, families and children move towards fulfilling relationships and greater wellbeing, I also enjoy being connected with nature, reading, learning, playing, and raising my daughter.
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC #12799) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) and a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC #10000388) with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA).
Education & Training
Master of Counselling Psychology (Adler University, Vancouver, BC)
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil)
I am continuously studying and attending trainings in order to keep myself updated and offer clients the best possible care. Some of the trainings I attended:​
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - EMDR (BC School of Professional Psychology)
Creativity Centered Therapy with Children and Adults - New Practices in Right Brain Psychotherapy (with Allan Schore, Terry Marks-Tarlow, Lynda Phillips, Linda Chapman & Madeleine De Little)
Attachment, The Body, and Relational Repair (with Lisa Mortimore)
Neuroscience and Satir in the Sand Tray (with Madeleine De Little)
Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (Satir Institute of the Pacific)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Accelerating Healing Based on Attachment Style (AEDP Institute)
Focusing Oriented Therapy (with Donna Steadman)
Expressive Play Therapy (with Marie-José Dhaese)
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (British Columbia Play Therapy Association)